Give & Receive

Give & Receive

Yesterday I made a floral arrangement for my Mom out of a few garden flowers.
Then I took some Lavender, a maple tree & a sprayer and gave them to some friends.
This is what I got back
Green bean, cilantro, and tomato plants.
Give and you will receive!

Plant wildflowers in your garden or along a fence.

Plant wildflowers in your garden or along a fence.

I found this wildflower growing in the backyard. So I moved it by a fence. I am going to try and get it to spread along the border of the fence. It is called Texas wildflower. Starting a garden can be inexpensive. Just look around the yard or swap plants with friends, family, or neighbors. Before you know it you will have many different plants. Have fun with it.

Don’t let them rule your garden….

I hate weeds.  This is why I luv container gardening.  But if you have a regular garden and are trying to fight the good fight

Here are some suggestions:

Use cardboard on tough weed areas.  For instances I had this grass that kept coming up each year.  It has an incredible root system. So I pulled up what I could then laid down pieces of cardboard.  Got some bricks and medium sized rocks.  Put the bricks and rocks down to hold the cardboard in place.   Then put mulch down to cover up the cardboard.  Presto no more unwanted grass.  Weeds hate darkness and they cant grow through cardboard.   Next year plant something in that spot. If you have lots of weeds and its too overwhelming just start with one section.  Do a section a week and before you know it you will have taken control back over the garden.   Each year it will get better and better.  Before you know it you wont have much weeding to do.

Tomato on Plant in May

Tomato on Plant in May

Well I was very surprised to see this, but I have a tiny cherry tomato on my tomato plant.
Early April I bought them from Home Depot. I made sure to cover them when it got cold.
So this is pretty exciting to see a small tomato already. Not wanting to get my hopes to
high, but we will see what happens.

I used miracle grow soil mixed with top soil. The tomato plant is Bonnie husky cherry red.
: )
On Weds June 18th I picked the first cherry red tomato off of my vine. I gave it to my son to eat
I forgot to take a picture of it. My dad has been gardening his whole life he was not very happy
when I showed him the red tomato. He doesnt get a red tomato until around July the 4th. Sorry
Dad I out did you!

Coffee & Computer Morning……

Coffee & Computer Morning......

Today I got up thinking about all the things I wanted to do in the garden. It was 7:30 am a little earlier then I usually get up, so I fixed the coffee then went out to start mulching. I did some mulching but just wasn’t feeling the garden thing today. I went back in got a cup of coffee and just started surfing the net.
I am sure later I will finish the mulching job but for now its me, the coffee & the computer!

Yes I did finish the mulching. Some mornings are like this for me. But usually they end up being very productive days.
I start things slow just like with my plants. Plants are just like people, they need a strong healthy foundation. Plants will do better when they are planted in the right soil. Next step is to make sure the plant has good drainage,
unless you are planting aquatic plants. (Which I have no experience with those types of plants).
Pick 2 or 3 types of plants, and dont overwhelm yourself.
More to come

Terrariums by Linda

Terrariums by Linda

Terrariums by Linda

The plant in this terrarium is called Neanthe Bella Palm.
Welcome to the tiny, fun, and exciting world of
Terrariums. At a young age I had a fascination with
plants and tiny trinkets. Put those two together &
magic happens in a glass container.

I hope you enjoy the adventure of Gardening in a tiny,
yet extraordinary world under glass.
This terrarium sold for $21 @ Fresco Furnishing in Grandview Ohio!

This blog is about being thrifty in the garden